The Solstice Call to Hearts


A boundless heart receives the blessings in the magnitude of this full moon solstice. So you know what to do! The active atoms at the bottom of the boiling pot are not what transforms here; it is the slow and powerful flow of the currents that make change. Like the large weather currents on the planet. Become part of that big change, not the little dancing atoms created by the heat of fear. And there is enough of that to sink everyone over and over again…but you know that one solid truth prevails: Love conquers all. Be part of the Love current, the change current, the Oneness current. 

The gentlest among you have drawn up a clarion call to Love. Love is Love, no matter what colour in the rainbow of Love. The planetary heart has been opened to receive every Child of God among you, especially those who have experienced painful rejection and marginalization when all about them is for the purposes of Love. Your hearts know that no one should suffer, or pay, for Love – the greatest gift of unconditional, free expansion there is. Love is Love, no matter the cause, the exchange, the payment, the outcome. Love is Love. So use this gift of unconditionality to make change for the benefit of the whole. This is the great gift of this full moon solstice, that all who come to it in the heart of the Big Love, will become agents of it, for this is your great purpose. What comes of your actions are what you have the free will choice to co-create with the fullness of Divine creation, supported by a great multitude of support. The armies of Love await our leadership. We are their physical agents of Love in this dimension, and they require that we assume and hail the charge as Generals of Love, and all about our efforts will be supported. They await the Call to Hearts. It was begun by the rainbow contingent to inspire each of us to join the cause. Love assures no question about the response.

Each cause will show itself in each heart, whether joining the Call to Love for children, animals, trees, refugees, prisons, healthcare, environment, arts, science, poverty, or... You know what it is because it brings you great joy to serve. Are you willing to expand your heart to Love without borders and join the Great Cause? This expansive planetary inbreath/outbreath moment is a powerful time to sign up to be the change you seek. Love needs your participation at this time: Love calls you, Love transforms you and Love heals all.

We support you to answer the Call to Love, we receive you and we join you in the cause for Love.

The Council of Light Within


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