
Your generous donation, no matter how small, makes our ongoing service through this website possible including the HeartLight Forum and messages from The Council of Light. Thank you for your energetic and financial support of our HeartLight service of love!

Your generous donations will ultimately help us fulfill our dream of creating the HeartLight Foundation that will support the development of community sanctuary projects around the world.

We will personally acknowledge each donation, so be sure to include your mailing address.

Your donation or monthly payments can be made in one of the following ways:

  • An email bank transfer to
  • Secure online method by credit card through Paypal:
  • Or by mailing a cheque made out to:
  • Dean Noblett or Rebecca Couch


    92 Church Street

    Schomberg, Ontario

    L0G 1T0 Canada

Thank you so much, and may your financial gift be returned to you multiplied and blessed a thousand fold!