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It is a time of great change, and of course, this means that everything is affected. It is not like a single stream of light that inspires a plant to grow, it is a planetary, universal change that is comprehensive and profound. So be kind to yourself and others. This is one big birthing process and there are many, many contractions required to bring this transformation into being over a period of many years. You came here for this, so ride the waves of change with as much patience and grace and trust that you can. Helping your mind understand the magnitude of these times is helpful, for it gives you a detached, wise view. If your view is small, you will easily get caught in the undertow. Think big, be big and hop up on your surfboard. It is important not to get caught in your body’s daily aches and pains of transformation, for this can take you down. Stretch, support, find the fire within (no matter how small the flame) and keep breathing deep into your toes. You are birthing your body through radical transformation and it is capable of doing it, especially if you believe it is so.
You know by now that this is a consciousness revolution, so use your own expansion of being to lead you through the changes. Your small mind will keep you myopic and small, when connecting to divine mind will support you through this the entire way. Connect with your deep inner knowing. Your heart will tell you the truth. This is monumental, global, galactic recalibration and it is also happening to each microcosm as it contributes to the macrocosm. If you are only focused on survival in your small world (which is what the oppressors intended) then you will miss the magnificence of these times. Think big, be big, know big, act big. Contribute huge positive energy into the cosmic stream.
Lightworkers have always been separated out in their incarnation. They are doing their best to heal the myriad of persecution wounds they have experienced in order to remember the powerful being they really are and fire up to participate in the transformation into the Aquarian Age on Mother Earth. We are coming together out of our solitude to strengthen in solidarity. We have had to heal our loneliness and realize it was only an illusion that pushed us toward our greater being. A child without playmates has many in spirit, physical challenges inspire the development of extrasensory abilities and an isolated adult chooses to seek companionship with God; this is often the path of the spiritual warrior. This conflicted experience perfectly prepares the incarnated Soul to know at a deep level they are never alone and are always connected to All That Is. Otherwise, a Soul is trapped in an unrealized expression. Our job is to be a lively expression of our authentic Selves to contribute to this Great Awakening, both within and in the stream of inspiration for others.
Hold onto your hats for an onslaught of realizations coming to the outer world. The dam has been broken as the false barriers can no longer be sustained in the higher frequencies of light now resident on the planet. Be the calm that others can find theirs as they traverse the flood of new information. You were a forerunner so that you could hold the light at this time, for nothing really surprises you anymore. Hold the line. Be there for others who ask for insight but being an evangelist during a crisis is never welcome and usually contributes to further shut down. Stay strong, stay open and stay kind with those who are trying to understand. You are being asked to be the calm in the storm all the while trusting the storm as necessary, helpful and hopeful. No one knows the outcome for it is being created by the new consciousness and you are an important part of that stream of creation. The primary covenants are divinely guided and are founded on love, peace, equality, truth, and abundance for all. It is up to the collective consciousness to build upon that and create a new world inspired by these divine, heart-centered principles.
Know that you are contributing to the creation of the new Earth as you continually calibrate your thoughts, intentions, words and actions to these indelible truths.
We hold strong with you all the way.
The Council of Light Within
(To commission your personal Soul Reading from The Council of Light Within, click here.)