You are so much more than you know. It is so easy to perceive and feel that you are small and weak and insignificant, but this is just not true. When you realize that your skin is not your outer limit but just the shell of your container, you can conceive that there is actually no limit to you. You are both a receiver and a transmitter, and you have profound influence on the field. The combination of all of your faculties that resonate together to receive and then broadcast creates a tone, a frequency, that contributes to creation. You are either quietly tapping along with the music or beating on a giant drum or ringing an immense bell, what do you choose? Your consciousness about what you contribute is also an important factor, for then, simultaneously you become the composer, the musician and the conductor. Do you see that you are created in the image of the Divine that you can hear and contribute to The Great Symphony?

So, think about what all of those roles must do to and keep in tune. Hold a frequency in your own body that is responsive. A clear bell rings clear, a broken or encumbered bell rings dull. Stay connected to Divine Source for inspiration and trust that it is always there for you. Stay neutral and be open to receive. Show up with your talents to transcribe and perform the music. Practice and play often to keep yourself in the groove. Maintain your love of music and curiosity to learn more. Avoid being tangled in theory and imperfections. Keep doing it for love. Stay happy and positive as much as possible, while also understanding that your own emotional complexities help you know the depths of those important base tones too. Naturally step up as a leader as inspired. If you can hear all of the varying tones and complexities of the music and each player’s role in it, then you are perfectly ready to be in the conductor role, all the while remaining humble. Your childlike sense of play, deep love for self and others, and wise perspective will bode well in leading the group. Keep your ego in check and allow your True Spirit to lead. Always remember, with unwavering conscious devotion, your original purpose of receiving and transmitting the music of the spheres. Keep showing up. Your participation and your contribution makes a difference. The song of your heart matters. You are a valuable member of the band!

There is much interfering noise trying to distract you from all of this. The first step is to make sure your bell can ring clear; this is your greatest responsibility. Ensure that your mind is not running off with you and making you crazy with fear. You are in charge! Stop the ruminations and redirect them to work for you and to creating what you do want. If you are the victim of your mind’s ramblings, it is critical for you to change this entrapment. The outer world does all it can to influence your mind for its own purposes, so do not allow anyone or anything to have control over your precious mind. Once your mental sovereignty is secured, you are safely in the influence of your Higher Mind and aligned with the direction of your Sacred Heart that does not lead you astray. Live from your heart and expect your mind to follow your intentions as established there. Line up with love. Line up with peace. Line up with all that you desire for yourself and the world. One for All, All for One. Maintaining your sovereignty over the external noise means it does not have power over you. No longer your primary influence, you are free. Now you can hear the promptings of your own Soul. Now when you pick up your instrument, you are playing in alignment with the real music, the real healing and uplifting tones of the universe. So shut out the noise and listen. Nature is already attuned, so any time spent listening to that melodious symphony will recalibrate you. Choose the real sound, not the false ones meant to suppress your True Self. When you are in your True Power, nothing can have power over you, and then you are humbly connected to Divine Power without interference.

So, as of this moment, choose to hear only the pure, true tones of your Divine Self. Intend that all false sounds cease and your authentic harmony with the Great Divine Tones continue. There will be no limit to the miracles of creation that will resound from you.

Let the symphony begin!

In loving resonance with all that you are, we are,

The Council of Light Within



(To commission your personal Soul Reading from The Council of Light Within, click here.)


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